Aspicore GSM Tracker v3.14 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 英文正式版(用在智慧手機上對手機進行定位跟蹤的工具軟體)
Step 1: Select the location of the output file.
Step 2: Select no ACS Pub ID availiable, BiN.key as
Private key file and 0000 as password.
Step 3: Enter anything in personal information.
Step 4: Enter your imei.
Aspicore GSM Tracker 2是一款用在智慧手機上對手機進行定位跟蹤的工具軟體。通過一個
中央SQL數據庫,可以有效地定位跟蹤多個手機。軟體運行在Series 60手機上,可運行在前
央數據庫。 如果定位精度要求不高,就不需要很多GPS接收機,通過移動網路ID也可以對手
機進行定位。 可以自定義位置數據發送的時間和事件,每條數據大約100個GPRS位元組,通
過壓縮UDP發送,與SMS相比數據傳送花費更小。 中央數據庫為一個強大的SQL引擎,可以處
Aspicore GSM Tracker turns your smartphone into a real-time
AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) and personal location
tracking device. This app is a simple and cost-effective way
to track several mobile phones through a Bluetooth GPS
receiver. You can then visualize the data with simple map
software or link it to a professional fleet management system
with ease.
Features include:
Track several mobile phones in a remote SQL database
Visualize the data with simple map software
Link data to a professional fleet management system
No monthly or per-transaction fee
SHAPE Services IMPLUS v6.07 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 英文正式版(網路即時消息軟體)
Rank Tracker Enterprise v6.10.6 英文正式版(SEO軟體)
Rank Tracker Enterprise v6.7.3 英文正式版(網站關鍵字等級檢查軟體)
Crannog NetFlow Tracker v3.2.1 英文正式版(網路流量分析軟體)
Crannog NetFlow Tracker for Linux and Solaris v3.0.7 英文正式版(網路工具軟體)
Rank Tracker Enterprise v6.9 英文正式版(SEO軟體)
Crannog NetFlow Tracker v3.1.2 英文正式版(跟蹤網路軟體)