Droppix Recorder v2.5.2.0 英文正式版(創建、複製和燒錄CD和DVD軟體)
1. Copy dxrecord_patch.exe in 'Recorder'-directory
and use it.
2. Copy dxlabelmaker_patch.exe in 'Label Maker'-directory
and use it.
Droppix Recorder-創建、複製和刻錄你的CD和DVD從未這樣容易!Droppix Recorder是一個
Droppix Recorder的界面簡單、直觀,專為用戶而設計。高效和全功能的解決方案,
Droppix Recorder不僅易於使用,它還是一個全功能、可靠的解決方案。你可以刻錄或複製
Your all-in-one CD/DVD burning and LightScribe printing
Discover Droppix Recorder 2, the most complete and
easiest to use solution for copying, burning and printing
your CD, DVD and Blu-Ray discs!
Droppix Recorder is a universal software suite that has
made a name for itself based on both its powerful
features and its ease of use. Droppix Recorder is a
complete solution for all your CD and DVD burning and
printing needs.
Whether you are creating your own music compilations,
printing a Lightscribe disc label, burning your vacation
memories, making a copy of your favorite CD, or simply
backing up your important data files to CD or DVD ...
Droppix Recorder makes it simple!
Droppix Label Maker v2.9 英文正式版(支援LightScribe (光雕)技術的CD/DVD卷標列印軟體)
Droppix Label Maker v2.9.2.0 英文正式版(CD/DVD標籤列印軟體)
Zeallsoft Super Webcam Recorder v4.0 英文正式版(錄製網路攝像頭拍攝的圖像到硬碟的軟體)